Best Forex Loyalty Programs

In the ever-evolving world of forex trading, where every pip and trade matters, the value of an outstanding loyalty program cannot be overstated. ForexTabs recognizes this and has scoured the market to spotlight brokers offering the most rewarding forex loyalty programs this year. These programs aren’t just about giving traders additional incentives or bonuses; they’re about recognizing and valuing consistent engagement, fostering a long-term relationship, and empowering traders with enhanced trading conditions and exclusive benefits.

From cashback offers and reduced spreads to exclusive educational resources and priority support, the loyalty schemes we spotlight prioritize the trader’s journey and aim to enhance their trading experience. Whether you’re a seasoned trader or just embarking on your forex journey, our curated list ensures you align with a broker that values your commitment and rewards it generously. Dive into to discover loyalty programs that don’t just promise but deliver unparalleled value in 2023.

How We Curate the Best Forex Loyalty Programs

At ForexTabs, we pride ourselves on providing transparent and unbiased recommendations. When it comes to selecting the best loyalty programs in the forex industry, our approach is both meticulous and holistic. We initiate with a deep-dive into the actual offerings – examining factors like cashback rates, spread reductions, and exclusive perks. 

A blackboard showing text "REWARDS" to represent 2023 BEST FOREX REWARDS PROGRAMS

But it doesn’t stop there. We assess the transparency of terms and conditions, ensuring there are no hidden pitfalls for our readers. Real trader feedback and experiences also weigh heavily in our evaluations, guaranteeing our selections resonate with the user community. Our final selections are not just based on the tangible rewards but also on the consistency, reliability, and long-term value these programs bring to traders. By coupling comprehensive research with trader sentiment, we aim to spotlight loyalty schemes that genuinely reward commitment and offer tangible benefits for every trade. At ForexTabs, it’s not about flashy offers; it’s about genuine value and trader-centric rewards.

Best Loyalty Programs by Forex Brokers

  • ClubBleu by VT Markets
  • Vantage Rewards by Vantage Markets
  • FXCM Rebate Program

Best Forex Loyalty Program Broker

VT Markets Logo for 50% sign up bonus




VT Markets

At, we’ve seen our fair share of loyalty programs. But few stand out quite like what VT Markets has to offer. Dive into a trading experience where every deposit and transaction is a step towards remarkable rewards. With VT Markets, it’s not just about trading; it’s about reaping the benefits of a well-structured loyalty scheme.

Seeking flexibility in managing your funds? VT Markets offers cash redemption, turning your points into tangible, withdrawable cash, epitomizing true control over your assets. For those trades that don’t pan out as envisioned, the platform’s recovery vouchers come as a breath of fresh air, acting as a safety net, reducing risks, and offering a chance at loss recuperation. Their profit boosters are another gem, designed to elevate traders’ earnings and heralding unparalleled trading potential.

The platform’s dedication to empowering traders is evident in their suite of advanced trading tools. With features crafted for discerning traders, VT Markets ensures decisions are always well-informed. As traders progress, they’re not just trading but ascending through membership tiers, each level unlocking a trove of exclusive rewards and opportunities. Actively trading means accumulating points, reinforcing the idea that with VT Markets, every trade has dual benefits – profits and points.

And if you’re feeling adventurous, their Spin the wheel feature is a delightful bonus. Win enticing prizes, from ClubBleu points to the sought-after Loss Rescue vouchers. It’s no wonder we at regard VT Markets’ loyalty program as one of the shining beacons in the forex trading world. With them, trading is transformed from a mere transactional activity to a rewarding journey.